Dear Members,
We would like to inform you about the "Kumbakonam Times" newspaper which was circulated in and around Kumbakonam area every fortnight. Due to various reasons circulation is stopped in the recent time. As per the agyai of Sri Sri Periyava, we would like to publish the archives from Kumbakonam Times on regular basis in our Thanjavur Parampara website and we will have a dedicated page to showcase Kumbakonam Times. This will be useful for many of our users to read and get to know many important aspects of Kumbakonam.
If , Thanjavur District is termed GRANARY OF SOUTH and centre for FINE ARTS, TRADITION AND TAMIL CULTURE -
" KUMBAKONAM " including nearby villages and hamlets, sounds and means, it is the JEWEL in the CROWN of the District.
It is the place of Great Great men & women in all walks of life, including, தமிழ் தாத்தா, U.V.SWAMINATHA IYER, Rt. Hon. Srinivasa Sasthri, Semmankudi Srinivasa Iyer, Nathaswara Chakravarthi T. Rajrathinam Pillai, Sevral Harikatha exponants, Mahan Narayana Theerthar, Maruthanalkur Baghawathar, Sengalipuram Anatharama Dikshidar, to menton a few only. Above all, Kumbakonam was the Head Qurters for Kamakoti mutt for years in the early and mid 19 th century. We are happy to dedicate a page EXCUSIVELY for our proud Kumbakonam.
In addition to that, we are also encouraging our members who are hailing from Kumbakonam and near by area to share the similar news, updates ,articles about temples, about mahans visited the places in the past. This will enrich our repository further and our members will get benefit by sharing such details.
Also we are happy to hear any other opinion from our members on sharing similar details. We can extend to have similar pages for other areas(part of erstwhile Thanjavur district).
We have published below the one such news from Kumbakonam times archives and it will be published on regular basis.