Shobha Yatra for Jagadguru Pujyasri Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Swamy
Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetadheeswara, Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswati Swamy who arrived at outskirts of Kakinada in connection with Chaturmasya Vrata Anushthanam was given a grand reception by devotees led by Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswar Rao.
The Shobha yatra commenced with thousands of devotees from Medicover hospital on Kakinada ADB road till Smt Lakshmi Goshala. Sri Swamy visited the devotees on the chariot filled with white horses. Brahmashri Chaganti Koteswara Rao garu, Sri Varaprasad Reddy garu, Timmapuram village president Sri Bejawada Satyanarayana garu, several officers and higher police officers welcomed His Holiness. The Shobha Yatra was celebrated with garagas, bhajan groups, kolatams, mangala instruments, vedic pandits, auspicious substances, children and elders of the village.
Brahmashri Chaganti Koteswara Rao garu, Goshala governing body members welcomed the Swamy in Goshala. Sri Swamivaru visited the famous garagalu, bhajan groups, kolatamula people's programs and blessed them all.