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Sri Valvilraman -Thirupullam Bhuthamkudi Swami Malai Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India

This is also on the same road in which Kapisthalam is located. The main deity is known as Sri Valvil Raman facing east in a reclining pose and the Goddess Sri Porthamaraiyal. This is the place where Sri Rama performed the last rites for the eagle Jatayu. Just like Sri Rangam this temple is also surrounded by two rivers (branches of Cauvery). This idol of Sri Rama is in a reclining pose with Shankha and Chakra in each of his two hands; this pose is unique to this Divya Desham. The Poet Kambhan has used the words "Val VII Sri Raman" for Sri Rama in his Kambha Ramayana.

This Vaisnavite temple is the Navagraha Sthalam for Sri Budha Bhagawan.

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