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Gotras in Karandai copper plates of Rajendra chola!!!

Namaskaram to All,

Here are a list of gotras of Brahmins who were settled in and around Tanjore sīrmai, by Rajendra chola I, son of Rajaraja chola I. Rajendra chola settled 1064 families of Brāhmanas in villages around Tanjore and gave them shares in the proceeds of the villages and recorded them in a copper plates now known as Karandai copper plates. They show the several gotras (nānā gotras) living around in Tanjore region. Some of these gotras are very rare ones. List of rare gotras seperately. Also, the list of followers of sutras and find one of the sutra as very rare.We request our readers to indicate whether there are any such gotras still living here and also the sutras. Kindly get these gotras reorganized in Alphabetical order

Gotras in Karandai copper plates of Rajendra chola I in 1020 CE Kāsyapa Visvāmitra Parāsaran Āngirasa Bhāradvāja. Also called Bhārattāya Kundina also called Kaundinya Devarāta Rātītara Ātrēya Hārita also called Ārita Kutsa Lōhita Sanskrita Gautama Kanva Garga or Gerga Mudgala or Murgala Vatsa Mādala or Mādilan Cadamarsana or Shatamarsana Nidantina Kaucika or Kocika Vātūla Mātula Aupamanya Bhārgava Vācishta or Vācishta Jotimitra Kapi Sālāvana Gokarna Māngala Sāndilya Mitrayu Rauhtriyāyan Mādalan or Maudgalya Jāmbavya Māndavya Āgastya Bādarāyana Kâlâyasi Sraushtra Hâlandana Sârangmitra

Rare gotras mentioned in Karandai copper plates. Nituntina Mātula Joti Mitra Sālavata Rautriyáyana Jāmbavya Matrayu (May be Madra) Sārangi Mitra Kālāyaci Sraushtra Srāvishta Hālandana The following are the Sutras mentioned in Karandai copper plates of Rajendra. Āpastamba Āsvalāyana Baudhāyana Jaimini Āgnivecya Bhâradvāja Drâhyāyana Kâtyāyana Satyâshāda Gautama Āgastya

As mentioned earlier, We request our readers to indicate whether there are any such gotras still living here and also the sutras.


Kalaimamani Dr. R. Nagaswamy

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