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Horoscope Exchange Centres

With the blessings of Kanchi Periyaval, an organisation for exchange of horoscopes has been functioning in Chennai and Bengaluru under the name of Pancha Dravida Horoscope Exchange Centre (covering Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Maharshtrian and Gujarati).

A local centre has started functioning in SIES Temple Complex, Nerul, Navi Mumbai.

Those who are interested can approach the centre personally on Sundays between 8 am and 12 noon with horoscopes for purpose of registration. The details will be shared by them with the Bengaluru centre and the master list will be made available to those who register.

The tel. no. of SIES Temple complex is 022-65161642.


P.R.Kannan Navi Mumbai-400705. Mob. 9860750020

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