Sri Ramajayam
HH. Pujya Sri Periyava - Anugraha Bashanam on Mahodhaya Punniya kalam .
Our Motherland Bharatha Desam has a very proud heritage and culture. It has a lot of ancient temples, sadgurus, divya desams, and holy rivers. Every place here in this nation has rich spiritual significance where by people visit these Kshethrams, worship the Devathas, attain both material and spiritual benefits all the way till Moksha. We have seen and heard many of them in our own experiences.
The Vedas, Puranas, and all our ancient scriptures emphasize the importance of holy rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi, Godhavari, Krishnaveni, Tungabadhra which has their own unique spiritual significance, has the power to gives us the immense punnya (meritorious deed), destroys our sins, cure our diseases, and ailing’s. We need to take bath in those sacred rivers and try to attain all the benefits and moksham.
There are many auspicious times. Out of those, ‘Arthodhaya Punniya Kaalam’ and ‘Mahodhaya Punniya Kaalam’ is a very rare happening and come once every several decades.
‘Mahodhaya Maha Punniya Kalam’ is a very rare happening and is considered an extremely auspicious day. It occurs this coming 21st Thai Amavasya, Vilambi Varusham (Feb. 4, 2019). ‘Mahodhaya Punniya Kaalam’ is a day when the following attributes align together in a single day:
Thithi : Amavasya
Nakshathiram : Thiruvonam
Yogam : Vyathi Patham
Month : Maagam
Vaaram : Soma (Monday)
The alignment of these above attributes is a very rare phenomenon. If the same set of attributes align on Sunday (Vaaram) it is called ‘Arthodhaya Maha Punniya Kalam’. The last occurrence happened several decades back so we can realize what a significant day this is.
During this auspicious time, one needs to do Snanam, Shradham, Dhanam, Tharpanam, Puja, and Vratham. Whoever takes bath in holy rivers during ‘Mahodhaya Punniya Kalam’ won’t have Garba Vasam (birth through uterus), Brahmahathi Dosham will be destroyed, gets rid of all sins, acquire wealth, will attain Indira Lokham as well as Mukthi.
One who offers ‘Pindam’ even of the size of a mustard to ancestors on this day will be peaceful and content till Surya and Chandra are there. Offering ‘Pindam’ (equivalent to ‘Vanni’ leaf) to Pithrus (ancestors) with Bhakthi and Shraddha will get rid of their sins, go to heaven and then proceed to Moksham.
One is called a ‘Sath Pathram’ if he observes Aachaaram, Thapas, Vedam, listening to Vedanta, Siva Puja, doing upanyasam on Puranas. We have to go above and beyond and give dhanam to people (Sath Pathram) with this quality. If we cannot find any Sath Pathram’s at that time we need to think about him in our minds, give our offerings through our mind and then physically offer those on a later date. One who does Snanam at this time will get rid of sins including thanks giving. One who does Snanam at this time will pierce through the Surya Mandalam and reach Brahma Lokham. We need to give Arghiyam (Water Oblation) at this time. Chant the sloka below and give Arghiyam:
“Dhiwakaraa Namaste Asthu Tejoraathe Jagadpadhe | Athri Gothra Samuthpanna Lakshmi Devyaaha Sagodhara Argam Grahanaa Bhavannu Sudha Kumbha Namasthuthe
Vidhir Paadha Mahaa Yoginnu Mahaa Paadhaha Naadhasanaa Sahasthra Baaho Sarvaathmannu Irahanaagyam Namasthuthe
Thithi Nakshathira Vaaranam Adhishaa Parameswaraa Maasa Roopa Grahaa Naagyam Kaala Roopa Namasthuthe”
Offer food to fourteen (14) people and give Gho Matha (cow), Gruham (house) as Dhanam, based on what one can afford. There are few slokas for doing this as well: “Nakshathraanaam Athipadhe Devaanaam Amruthapradhaa Thraagimaam Rogini Gaantha Kalaakesha Namasthuthe Dheena Naadha Jagan Naadha Kala Naadha Kirupaakara Thothipaadha Padma Yugale Bhakthi Rasthu Asalaanama Vyathipaadha Namasthe Asthu Soma Suriya Agni Sannibha Yathigaanathy Grutham Kinjithu Thadhu Akshayam Ihaasthume Arthinaam Kalpa Vrukesi Vaasudeva Janaardhanaa Maasalar Ruthu Ayana Kaalesaa Paabam Samayaa Mehare Sravarkeshu Jagannadha Jennarkkeshaa Thavaa Kosavaa Yanmaya Thattham Arthipyahaa Thatharkishyam Igaasthume”
Pray for Dhana Balam and then do Shradham and Tharpanam. All the above said Dhanams will yield rich dividends. Doing Snaanam in holy places such as Rameswaram will give us Maha Punniyam. Listening to this narration itself will get rid of our deadly sins. Doing Snanams (head bath) in ‘Vedhanadhi’ also called as ‘Sannidhi Kadal’, in Vedaranyama Vedapureeswarar temple theertham inside the temple is called as ‘Manikarnikai Theertham’, ‘Rudrakodi Kadal Theertham’ located in the south bottom of the temple, and ‘Aadthi Sethu Kadal Theertham’ are considered very auspicious.
Doing Dhanams and Tharpanams in ‘Dhanushkoti’ is equal to living in the following Punniya Kshethrams for a year; Madhyarjunam, Kumbakonam, Mayiladudhurai, Vedaraynam, Chidambaram, Naimisaranyam, Sri Sailam, Sri Rangam, Vrudhachalam, Tirumalai, Kanchipuram, Vaideeswaran Kovil, Dakshina Kailasam. It reaps crores of benefits compared to what one accrues normally.
Any Punniya Karmas (Meritorious Deed) done on this day will result in billion times benefit. For example, doing a Gho Dhanam on this day is equivalent to doing crore Gho Dhanams.
Sath Karmas & Dhanams to be done on this day & Benefits:
Dhanams to Sath Pathrams (Good Vedic Scholars), will accrue crore times the benefit.
Gho Dhanam – Equivalent to doing crore Gho Dhanams than a normal day.
Bhoo Dhanam – Same as above.
Gruha Dhanam with groceries for one year – Attains Vaikuntam.
Sethu Snanam (Rameswaram) on this day will ensure there is no Garbavasam (re-birth) and will attain Moksha.
Doing Dhanams in Dhanushkoti is equal to living in the following Punniya Kshethrams for a year; Madhyarjunam, Kumbakonam, Mayiladudhurai, Vedaraynam, Chidambaram, Naimisaranyam, Sri Sailam, Sri Rangam, Vrudhachalam, Tirumalai, Kanchipuram, Vaideeswaran Kovil, Dakshina Kailasam. Good Children are born.
Koti Janma Sins including Pancha Maha Pabhams (Sins) are destroyed.
Doing Dhanams will give 1000 Aswamedha Yaja benefits.
Pithru Tharpanams done on this day is equivalent to doing crore times and help Pithrus attain Mukthi.
Donate Panagam, Payasam, Banana Items, Chandanam, Umbrella, Jackfruit, Padhuka, Pathram, and Pushpam. This will give us the benefit of doing many Soma Yagnam’s.
Dhanam’s done in Dhanushkodi is considered very auspicious.
Doing Vishnu, Siva Puja’s on this day chanting Purusha Suktham, Sri Rudram, Chamakam respectively and do abishekams. Saturn and Sevvai (Angaraga) doshams will be cleared and will not recur.
The above said is mentiond in Skanda Maha Puranam, Sethu Mahathmiyam, Brahma Kandam, 52nd Adhyaayam in detail for more than 100 Slokas.
-By Brahmashri. R. Sundararama Vaajapeyaaji Dikshitar
Text Source:
Courtesy: Smt Mahalakshmi mami