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New Saplings for Kizhambi Adhishthanam on World environmental day

His Holiness Sri Periyava at the Brundavanam of Kanchi Acharyas.

His Holiness blessed new saplings of coconut, Mango, Jackfruit & Palm trees to be planted in Kizhambi village on June 5th, synchronising with World environmental day. The whole village once belonged to Kanchi Math and the inscriptions describe the village as endowed with

नारिकेल-आम्र-पनस- ताल-वृन्तादिशोभितम्।

अम्बिकापुरनामानं ग्रामचिन्तामणिं ददौ।।

Echoing the spirit of the inscription His Holiness blessed the saplings to be planted around the Adhishthanam of Advaitatmaprakashendra Saraswathi Swamigal, 60th Shankaracharya of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Preetam

It may please be holistically noted that it is because of

Sri. Periyava Sankalpam - ONLY Mahan like our Sri Periyava thinks in lines of practicing the principles as found in the ancient inscriptions, even while the whole area of the village is not with us. This Sankalpam of Sri Periyava is well comparable to what Sri. Maha Periyava told Sri. Cauvery Ranganathan, to celebrate ஆடிப்பெருக்கு on due dates in his village where Cauvery flows unminding whether in Cauvery river water flows or the river remains dry at the time of ஆடிப்பெருக்கு celebration. (Please Hear the Video recrording poated alredy else where in this domain).

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